How to create application server profile from or command line

Follow some basic steps to create the application server profile through manageprofiles command.

1. Open the shell and cmd tool
2. Go to the was_bin location
3. Execute the below command

Exmpale :-
'[root@localhost bin]# pwd


[root@localhost bin]# ./ -create -profileName AppSrv04 -templatePath /opt/IBM/WebSphere/AppServer/profileTemplates/default/ -cellName AppSrv04Cell -nodeName AppSrv04Node1 -enableAdminSecurity -userName wasadmin -password wasadmin

INSTCONFSUCCESS: Success: Profile AppSrv04 now exists. Please consult /opt/IBM/WebSphere/AppServer/profiles/AppSrv04/logs/AboutThisProfile.txt for more information about this profile.

For more information about the profile to see the log file

Path :-  /opt/IBM/WebSphere/AppServer/profiles/AppSrv04/logs

[root@localhost logs]# cat AboutThisProfile.txt 
Application server environment to create: Application server
Location: /opt/IBM/WebSphere/AppServer/profiles/AppSrv04
Disk space required: 200 MB
Profile name: AppSrv04
Make this profile the default: False
Node name: AppSrv04Node1
Host name: localhost
Enable administrative security (recommended): False
Administrative console port: 9072
Administrative console secure port: 9055
HTTP transport port: 9091
HTTPS transport port: 9454
Bootstrap port: 2822
SOAP connector port: 8892
Run application server as a service: False
Create a Web server definition: False


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