How to create a deployment manager profile in websphere through GUI or Manually
Profiles can be create in many ways
1. using ./ tool
2. using ./ command
3. using scripting.
first we will create the profile with the tool
Launched the tool from two ways
one is from the all programs and select the ibm websphere and select the profile management tool
second is go to the profilemanagement directory under the was_home/appserver/bin and initiate the program.
We will create the profile in the windows environment and process are in same in linux.
Step 1 launch the profile management tool window will appear like that
1. using ./ tool
2. using ./ command
3. using scripting.
first we will create the profile with the tool
Launched the tool from two ways
one is from the all programs and select the ibm websphere and select the profile management tool
second is go to the profilemanagement directory under the was_home/appserver/bin and initiate the program.
We will create the profile in the windows environment and process are in same in linux.
Step 1 launch the profile management tool window will appear like that
Step 2. Now click in the launch the profile management tools
Step 3. Now click in the create button
By default Application server profile will be select but now we will select the Management type
Step 4. now select the management type and click in the next
Step 5. select the deployment manager and click in the next
There is two option at the profile selection
1. Typical profile :- profile will create with the default setting and default name
2. Advance profile :- Profile can be customized and user can give the name on choice
So we will select the advance profile creation
Step.6 select the Advance profile creation and click in next
Step.7 click in next
Step.8 Give the name as per user or be default and click in next
Step.9 Give the name of the node and cell name , host name and click in next
Step.10 if admin security required then check the enable administrative security and put the user name and password and click in next
Step.11 click in next
Step.12 click in next
Step.13 verify the port and click in next.
Step.14 verify the profile creation and summary if any thing has selected wrong now correct or click in create
Step.15 see the profile creation progress bar
Step.16 see the profile creation has successful .
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