Most Frequently Asked Interview Question and Answer for WebSphere Application Server administration..
1. Default bootstrap port? Ans: 2809 2. How to hit application without hitting the web server? Ans: webcontainer port on application server 3. In how many ways you can perform administration? Ans: console,,,JMX 4. No of ways of doing deployments? Ans: Admin console…..jython (jacl) scripts 5. What is CellDiscoveryAddress Ans: Node uses this port to talk to DMGR 6. What is NodeDiscoveryAddress Ans: DMGR uses this port to talk to node 7. How websphere discovers a change in JSP and compiles it? Ans: There is an algorithm that websphere uses to find the timestamp of .jsp and .class files. It checks that timestamp of .class file is always later than its corresponding .jsp file. 8. What is classloader? Ans: The Java Classloader is a part of the Java Runtime Environment that dynamically loads Java classes into the Java Virtual Machine 9. how do you specify a jar file to be used by the application, consider that you have many jar files in your system? Ans: classloader 10. What is a managed nod...